This section aims to break down ideas and explore architectural processes.
On this page, a sample of a series of videos I produced on YouTube, click her to open The YouTube Channel
M. Arch. Thesis Final Presentation DIA Dessau Hochschule Anhalt - YouTube
Cohabitation Social housing project
تعايش - مشروع تصميم مسكن إجتماعي - + Design process DIA -WS19-20 - YouTube
Ezba Tiny House Design process
Ezba Tiny House + Design process DIA -WS19-20
Bauhaus museum Dessau-critical analysis
Critical analysis of the New Bauhaus Museum in Dessau, designed by Gonzalez Hinz Zabala. In this video, I am trying to read and analyze the urban argument that the museum trying to convey. we will have a look over the original competitions.
Bauhaus history and its influence on our lives
The second episode of TALK+ARCH Bauhaus School In the video, we will explore the history of the Bauhaus and the first motives to execute the idea and we will understand why is the Bauhaus is the most influential movement in the 20th century. and why can we notice its influence today?
What makes a city liveable Freiburg
What makes a city liveable Freiburg - ايه الاسباب الي بتجعل المدينة صالحه للمعيشة؟ فرايبورغ